Help with 65 Ventures Single Pick-Up Pots and wire schematic

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Help with 65 Ventures Single Pick-Up Pots and wire schematic

Postby Curly » Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:03 pm

Hello all... my only other post when I acquired the basket case Mosrite Bass is "Help new member with outstanding info and share what I found" (link to pics of what I found at a rummage sale/flea market. Anyway try as I might both pots on this bass are snafu (Burned by prior modders or ???) I have been playing it on and off and cleaing them for months but they have had the biscuit. Anyway they are so bad I can't even read or measure what their specs are/were. I have read a lot and there is confusion at least by me at trying to figure out if 250K or 500K is what was "Original". That's all I want to do is make the sound "Original" with the right spec pots and wired the factory way. Can anyone please share the pot values of an original (audio taper I assume?) and a pic or schematic for the wiring, or anything else of value. (FYI: I also own other bases and just want this to sound like they would have off the shelf). Thank you all for your help in Advance.) Thank you all for your help and shared info. Curly ;)

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