Let's play "Spot the Hallmark"

Bob Shade
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Re: Let's play "Spot the Hallmark"

Postby Bob Shade » Tue May 21, 2013 8:14 am

Yes I think I remember the analysts stating there was a cloud of oil the size of the state of RI in the water but BP will always downplay the details.

The sad truth is, if they had not cheaped out and put the shut off valves on like they were supposed to this could have all be prevented, but the engineers insisted this tragedy could never happen and never installed the emergency shut off valves where they were supposed to that should have been required.

Greedy bastards!

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Re: Let's play "Spot the Hallmark"

Postby TriflerShawn » Tue May 21, 2013 8:30 am

Yep, exactly.
I have a cousin that works for D.E.Q and he says it's FAR worse than anyone is letting on.

Well, on a happier note...........I just checked Fed Ex tracking, and my Deke is halfway here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna be a LONG day tomorrow waiting to get off and play that beauty.

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Re: Let's play "Spot the Hallmark"

Postby Bob Shade » Tue May 21, 2013 10:54 am


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