JMO444 wrote:I've revisited the H0100 listing a few times as it strikes me as an odd guitar. The Picture of the F-hole indicates the body serial number as H0010(Assuming it is four digits like all the others), but the neck is H0100. Perhaps a factory mistake, or maybe a re-neck? Although the odds of H0010 getting H0100 as a neck would be low being that it's an odd coincidence.
As far as misprints go; I've seen a Joe Maphis Double Neck that had mismatched numbers (2J368 / 2J369,) and my Ventures II B670 has misprint numbers on it (it was stamped as B641 originally, the wrong numbers were filled in and overstamped) and it seems as if more than a few near the number B670 were misprinted.
JMO444 wrote:I added a photo to the drive link. It does have a pat. # bridge. That would be a later addition to the Joe Maphis, Correct? It also would put the Combo Model's development at a later date.
Also, I'll be working on getting a new soldering iron and maybe some deoxit so I can hopefully get it sounding properly. Maybe I'll put some sort of demo up when it's ready. The handful of Combo demos on Youtube kinda suck, as they don't show any variety of playing styles, it's clean only. There are some good performances, but they don't show off everything the Combo could do.
I've not seen Joe Maphis Single Neck models with a patent number, but it's not a detail I was previously paying attention to with them. Some Mark V models have a patent number by the Moseley logo but many Mark V models do not. My Ventures II B670 (same as a Mark V but one of the last Ventures II types, mine is March 1966) doesn't have it, and I'm not sure when it starts with them but I remember one beat up example in the B1300 - B1399 range (which is after October 26 1966) that did have it. That said, it seems like every single Combo model I've come across had it if I was able to see by the Moseley logo.
- Austin