Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

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Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby jaguarecho » Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:00 pm

I like the sound of a preamp pedal in my Jaguar and White Falcon with Dynasonic
I thought to get a good tone with that preamp pedal in my Excellent Mosrite, but those big Ed Elliot pickups maybe are too big for that preamp pedal
So my question is: what kind of preamp pedal could play with Mosrite? I don't want an overdrive or a boost pedal, I just want a preamp pedal :)
Any suggestion?
Maybe a Dyno Brain like I've readt in

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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby SanchoPansen » Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:26 am

Hey there.
Been playing Mosrites/Hallmarks for years now and I really dig the Xotic - EP Booster in front of the amp.
Don't get confused, it is not only a booster. The V2 has 2 internal dip switches, allowing you to set the pedal to 'unity gain'.
So the signal is not boosted, but it gets that nice preamped grit, which sounds really good with those hot PUs IMO.

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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby jaguarecho » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:58 am

Hey Sancho
I must admit that I like your reply, really interesting

Maybe do you have some mp3 file with and without that Xotic EP Booster?

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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby Bob Shade » Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:56 am

My buddy Dan Moses from the Dynotones was instrumental (pun intended) in helping with the development of the Dyno Brain you mentioned. He swears by it.

He uses Hallmarks through a Fender exclusively and sounds great live using this Dyno Brain. I don't have any technical info to add on the pedal as I have never tried it, but thought I would pass it along.


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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby jaguarecho » Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:08 am

Thanks a lot Bob!

To write all you want
It is very important for me to find that sound that is a preamp pedal for Mosrite without spending a lot of money to buy so many pedals

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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby ElTwang » Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:30 am

I've been using a Nocturne Atomic Brain for almost three years now and this pedal is a keeper and I use it quite a lot! Basically a Dynobrain with an extra gear in the 'Abby' mode. I play one of Ed Elliotts guitar and my pick ups run very hot around 12-13 ohm.

What are you looking for exactly? More mids? Less mids? A little gnarl?
What kind of amp do you use?

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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby jaguarecho » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:01 pm

Well, what I'm looking for?
I don't know. You know, in our life there is ever something about sound we are not satisfied
So after very good guitar pedals such as germanium and silicon fuzz, overdrive, booster, delay or vintage echo, now it's the time to have a preamp pedal for my Mosrite
But why a preamp pedal and not a booster or a clean overdrive?
Well, I have just a preamp pedal for my Jaguar or other single coil guitars. The preamp give you a big tone, a fat tone, all is big, but without any distorsion sound.
I'm looking for a pedal that make my Mosrite sound much bigger.
I cannot use my preamp pedal for my Mosrite because it produce a little distorsion sound that I don't want
Those big pickup want another preamp pedal
Do you think that a Xotic EP booster or a Nocturne Atomic Brain are the answers for a big Mosrite tone?

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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby Dennisthe Menace » Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:36 pm - Rockman Sustainor Review
make the Mos' of it, choose the 'rite stuff.
.........Owner of 9 Mosrites...
.....proud owner and documented:
1963 "the Ventures" Model s/n #0038

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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby SanchoPansen » Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:43 pm

jaguarecho wrote:Hey Sancho
I must admit that I like your reply, really interesting

Maybe do you have some mp3 file with and without that Xotic EP Booster?

Unfortunately not, but here are some videos of me playing it live.
Through a Brownface Showman + 1x15" Tone Ring Cab and Reverb Tank:

And through a Blackface Bassman + 1x15" Tone Ring Cab and Reverb Tank:

Used the bridge PU in both cases.

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Re: Preamp pedal for Mosrite?

Postby ElTwang » Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:28 am

Jaguarecho - what amp do you use? I'd say that's the key to your question here.

I play through a Carr Rambler amp which is very clean with a good amount of headroom. In that combo the Nocturne makes the Mosrite/Elliott sound bigger with more pronounced mids.

I've played the the same combo on lower wattage amps where the pre-amps where meant to be easier to drive. That introduces drive and gnarl. In that case it's all very different.

Hope this helps.

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