Hallmark 60's Custom

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Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby dubtrub » Tue May 06, 2008 2:27 pm

I'm surprised that no one has made mention of the Hallmark 60's Custom. As I discribed in another post, I have used their pickups. vibratos and bridges in my custom built clones, but I have as yet actually handled or played one. I have read report's of them on other forums (mostly good), but who here has any direct experience with them?
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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby MaxTib » Tue May 06, 2008 3:00 pm

I've not had any direct experience myself, but I'm planning on buying one - a nice white one - after I've completed my exams as a little reward for revising so much.

I did have an Excellent, but I found that it wouldn't stay in tune, and I eventually grew disheartened (and I need the moneys)

The only thing I worry about is that story about the finish, but I can't say that if that happened to one I bought that I'd be overly concerned. It adds character! (or so I keep telling myself)

For anyone who does have experience with one: what are the necks like?


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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby dubtrub » Tue May 06, 2008 6:01 pm


I don't think I would be too concerned about the finishes having problems. I've only heard of one incident on another forum and even at that, there is always two sides to every story. If there were multiple complaints, then I'd think twice before buying one. sleeperNY has a Hallmark 60's maybe he'll chime in here and give you the 'low down'.

I have built clones two from scratch and just the parts alone was over $550. So, the $899 price tag doesn't sound all that bad to me. However mine are made in Bakersfield CA. the home of the original Mosrite. I guess mine are a little closer to being an original as they are built in the same city:lol: Plus I worked a (very) short at the Mosrite factory painting guitars the summer of 1966.
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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby MaxTib » Wed May 07, 2008 2:07 am

Well, I'd love to get a vintage Mosrite really, but they're out of my price range. I'd even go with a Combo or Joe Maphis model, as they're strangely attractive. The only problem is that I'm in the UK and everything is so dear to import. Thankfully the conversion rate isn't so bad at the moment - I hope it stays that way for a while!

Nobody here has ever heard of Mosrite.. I obviously belong in sunny Californ-i-a.


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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby sleeperNY » Wed May 07, 2008 3:25 am

Hi to all and it's good to see some of you again. I have a Hallmark 60 Custom and love it. I still want a real Mosrite but for now the 60 Custom will have to do. It stays in tune great,(after a little nut work) and has a sound that is as close to a Mosrite as I have ever gotten.. The finish is as good as any guitar I have ever owned and the frets were great right out of the box. I don't play surf music but it fits in great with the country music I play. I don't know how to post a pic. of it here but there is a pic. of me with it on the bands web page. It was taken during a Halloween party we did.

The neck on the Hallmark is a bit wider at the nut(1 5/8ths) and has taller frets so it playes easier than a Mosrite for me. The profile is the same as a Mosrite
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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby Desert Surfer » Wed May 07, 2008 4:17 am

Hi, good to see you guys again too.

I heard a lot good things about Hallmark 60's Custom. Personally, I never tried one so I can't comment. But I do have an US made Hallmark Stradette Custom which I like. The guitar is small but the pickups are powerful, the neck is a little wider and thicker than the traditional Mosrites. I believe these Hallmark 60's Custom were made in Korea.

I tried some of the new Fillmore Ranger at Ed Roman in Vegas a few months ago. They are pretty reasonably prices ($1500 at Roman's but cheaper if you buy directly from Japanese on line store, I saw as low as $899 one time, plus shipping, it is probably at $1100 range) Surprisingly, they are made in Japan, not Korea.


I also have a Wilson Bros VM65 which was made in Korea. It does the job but is not in the same class as Japanese Mosrites.

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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby MaxTib » Wed May 07, 2008 8:26 am

I hadn't realised you could order Mosrites directly from Japan? What is the quality like on the Fillmore guitars? I'm not sure I can handle this Mosrite fever any more. I need a fix.

I wish someone who spoke English and who isn't a crook (i.e. E. Roman) dealt with Mosrites. Someone fill the niche.. please?!


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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby dubtrub » Wed May 07, 2008 8:32 am

Hey sleeper,

Glad to see you here. Here's the picture you referred to.
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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby Dennisthe Menace » Wed May 07, 2008 9:01 am

Gosh, it's GREAT to see all of us getting back together! Has anyone kept in touch with Arpsum?? He used to be a regular and contributed quite a lot from Japan. Unfortunately, I think he got fed up with all the spamming at the other 'site. Was just wandering if anyone might have any info on him. HE WOULD BE YOUR GUY to do the translating in purchasing a Fillmore Mosrite :mrgreen:
make the Mos' of it, choose the 'rite stuff.
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Re: Hallmark 60's Custom

Postby MaxTib » Wed May 07, 2008 9:14 am

Ah yes, indeed he would! We'll have to lure him back here.

I believe I have three options:
1) Get a Custom 60
2) Try and somehow learn Japanese and get a Fillmore
3) Save up and buy a vintage Mosrite (would take a little while longer) - possibly a Jonas Ridge one? What's the reputation on these?

What do you all think? I think the vintage sounds like the best idea really, but it requires... waiting!!? Also, it'd mean buying from America (most likely), and I always worry about getting shafted because I'm over the pond.


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