Blackguard Telecaster

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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby dubtrub » Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:01 pm

That color looks like Amber neck tint. You didn't get Butterscotch and Amber tint mixed up did you? Not to worry, you can easily remove that finish with lacquer thinner and a paint brush. Get one of those cheap plastic tubs from Lowe's or Home depot and dump in about pint of lacquer thinner, standing the body on end and start brushing on the thinner. Dump out the old thinner and pour in some fresh on and repeat. Finish by saturating a handful of paper towel in fresh clean lacquer thinner and wipe down the body until it is fresh wood again. That paint will be off there in about a minute. Be sure and wear rubber gloves. Don't get in a hurry, get the color you want. It's too nice of a project to rush it and cover those grains with a solid color. Mohawk number M101-0222 is the color you need. To achieve that golden hue you can spray a light coat the amber tint before the clear top coat. You can get a gallon of lacquer thinner at Lowe's or Home Depot for about 18 bucks and can use it for all you cleanup.

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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby panther » Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:04 pm


Funny you should say that about the Amber, because when I applied the Amber to the neck, it came out almost clear, with a very slight tint on Amber. If indeed the are mixed up, it happened at Re-Ranch. I purposely do not keep colors together while applying. I keep all other material except the color I'm applying in a separate room, for that very reason. I do not want to grab the wrong can by mistake. I also double check the label. I ordered the Amber neck paint, and the Sanding sealer, and the Butterscotch all at the same time.
I assume they have these in stock and don't can them as they re ordered. That would be the only way to explain the color mix up. I'm very careful when it comes to that stuff.
They also had a Butterscotch Blond color, but that looked to cream color for what I wanted.
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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby dubtrub » Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:12 pm

Back in the fifties the original butterscotch blonde started out as a cream color and ambered with age from ultra violet light and bar room smoke. Many of the reproductions you see today with that real orangish tint looks phony to me. Most photo's you see of originals will look real golden in color but a lot of that is lighting creating that effect. Take a look at the photo's on this site and you'll see what I mean.


I get that same effect from different lighting on my Blackguard I built. The photo's of my guitar I posted looks like a pale cream tint but that's just the light effect.
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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby panther » Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:06 pm

The neck, actually turned out to look exactly like the example in the link you posted. The first shot.
The sample of the Re-Ranch Butterscotch, was light years lighter than what I got after the first light coat. I thought it may lighten as it dried, But figured it would not. I'm considering sending the can back for evaluation. Because it is not even close to the photo they posted. I did several side by side photo comparisons to the re-Ranch ad to allow for color correction on my monitor. I, like you, took several months to Heracles and acquire the parts to replicate as close as possible a early Tele. I'm really quite upset that all of my efforts may have been compromised by relying on the Experts at Re-Ranch to deliver.
I realize at this point I can strip the body and apply a new finish. The problem being, ANY spot that is even slightly exposed because sealer did not completely seal the wood, is going to stick out and look like crap. I almost Hate to waste another $35.00 on a new can of finish, even though I've already sent for it. I'm going to attempt to remove the ORANGE finish, but I'm not expecting miracles. I think in the end I will probably have to settle for a non opaque finish, and get another body to replace this one.
Nothing is more discouraging than to take over a year on a project to have it compromised by circumstances beyond my control.
I should have tested the color on a sample, but I paid good money for a quality product. I shouldn't have to double check them. In my line of work, I got paid for what I knew, and delivered. If my boss had to double check all of my work, He didn't need me. I feel the same way about people I contract to do work for me, or provide a product.
I mean we are talking the difference between me ordering an opaque slightly tinted amber color, over what aI got, A Colonial Maple finish. Not even close.

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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby panther » Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:42 pm

I purchased the lacquer thinner, and stripped the orange color of the body. I kept stripping untimely a white towel came out clean.
Then I got a roller, a quart of light yellow stucco paint and painted the body.
It looks like Crap.
Just kidding, I stripped it, and I'm waiting now for the Butterscotch blonde from Mohawk.
In the mean time I have 3 other projects.
1-Semi hollowbodied 1969 Telecaster reproduction kit. I plan to color that a TV yellow, or Pastel sky blue. I'm on the fence, but thin I prefer the Blue.
2-12 string Stratocaster kit, I plan to color it Seafoam green.

And then..
3-12 string Telecaster kit, I plan to color that a Coral.
Let me tell you finding the seafoam green was not easy.

Now just waiting for the rest of the supplies.
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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby dubtrub » Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:55 pm

Sounds like you are on the right track. Hopefully things will go better this time with the Mohawk paint. Did you find the sea foam green? I have a full and a partial can from ReRanch I can send to you.
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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby panther » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:06 am


Sorry about taking so long to respond, I've been checking every day, but it did not alert me to new posts this time ?
I would really like to thank you for all your help. No I did not find the Seafoam Green. Can you PM with What you would like for the paint. I would appreciate it.
I did get my Butterscotch Blonde, I'm still in the prep stage. MAN I've never Filled and sanded so much in my life. Every time I finish a few coats and sand it down, I still have little grain pits showing. Is it normal for that, or might I not be doing something correct. It's as smooth as glass fore the most part, but those peeping through grains will stick out like a sore thumb.
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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby dubtrub » Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:16 pm

As the paint on my guitar continues to cure the lacquer is shrinking into the grain. In about a month or so I will sand it and spray on a few more coats of clear lacquer. If that doesn't cure it then I'm done with it. I never found a local source for the proper grain filler so I'm paying the price for it now. It doesn't bother me too much as I've seen original old finishes on Ashe bodied guitars that did the same thing. It looks fine on an old guitar that shows it's age but looks like a sore thumb on a brand new guitar.
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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby panther » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:42 pm

I finished the sanding Sealer coats. Then applied the Tack coat of Butterscotch. Let that set awhile, then shot on a couple heavier coats of the Butterscotch. It looks like the color I was looking for.
The body grain shows through, and the grain is finally sealed, and I can still see the grain through the finish. I'm getting excited about the outcome. Now I'll let set a couple days. Then wet sand, The add another couple coats , the let that set, one more time, then the clear.

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Re: Blackguard Telecaster

Postby panther » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:51 am

In the past I've experienced TERRIBLE results at doing fine finishes. In my infinite wisdom, I always thought you could speed things up. YOU CAN'T. No matter how much you wan to finish your project, it is a Slow and meticulous process, IF YOU WANT THE PROPER RESULTS. I away hurried it, and got bad results. Now I finally slowed it down, and Guess what, The people that have been doing this for ions, are right, it takes time.

One thing that has help to increase the drying time for me however. I have a small room that has a vent fan. I have the room Heated to about 85 degrees. As soon as I'm done applying the coats of finish, I let it set in the heated room. It does speed up the drying, but I still have to let it set for a couple days like Danny points out.
Gradually as you re-enter the room, you can sense that the lacquer smell decreases rather rapidly, in about 3 or 4 hours you can hardly smell any lacquer odor.
I'm not sure if this is wrong or not ? I user one of those infrared heaters from Wal-Mart. After all isn't that what auto painters use in their booths ?
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