Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

What sounds better?

1) Hallmark Custom 60
2) Squier Stratocaster
Total votes: 12

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Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby glennmagi » Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:44 pm

My name is Glenn. Fairly new here. Hope you don't mind asking your opinion of these guitar different playing guitar players playing the same thing Mark of Zorro I found on Youtube:
Playing Halllmark custom 60
Playing Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

I liked the first video of the Hallmark and then saw the second video of the Squier and I have to say, I like the Squier sound better. I was surprised about that. The Squier has more sustain, more full sounding. I know the recording methods and effects are different but I think this is a fair comparison.
Your opinions are welcome.

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Re: Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby jfine » Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:16 am

Here's what my ears tell me what's going on with those clips. The clip with the Hallmark has a lot less processing on the guitar than the one with the Squier. Sounds like there might be a little delay on the Hallmark and no other FX, and he's using both pickups on, which actually has a fuller sound than the bridge-pickup sound on the Squier. The Squier clip has some octave-splitting going on--I can hear a lower octave in there, and sometimes a higher one too. Whether he used an effect like an Electro-Harmonix POG, which would create that sound, or whether he overdubbed the octave parts, I don't know--but that would have the effect of making the part sound bigger even if the basic tone was thinner. I have a Hallmark 60 Custom and a Fender Strat, and they're two very different guitars. The Strat has a little more sustain, but a thinner sound overall than the Hallmark, and the Strat won't get close to the sweet tonality of the Hallmark's two-pickup setting (and I've got the Strat wired to give me the neck-and-bridge-pickup mix--it's not as fat as the same setting on the Hallmark). To be fair, the Hallmark won't do the clucky bridge-and-middle setting that Strats are famous for. Like I said, two very different guitars, but overall, the Hallmark is fatter-sounding, and the Strat is twangier.

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Re: Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby Greg_L » Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:08 am

I have a 1991 Fender Strat and a 60 Custom.

I'll just put it very simply......the Strat has collected an awful lot of dust since getting the 60 Custom.

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Re: Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby glennmagi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:55 pm

I appreciate everyone's responses so far. I was wondering Greg_L what type of music you play that you prefer to hear on the Hallmark rather than your Strat? What I am a bit nervous about here is that I have a Fender American Deluxe Strat and that guitar is so great that even other Strats turn me off such as the American Standards. Heard someone say here or somewhere else say he had some high end strats and was not using the C60 much anymore and wanted to sell it. I just don't want to be in that position again.
You know, it's a weird thing but I have owned 3 different Schecter guitars and I sold each one after a few months of playing the. Neck was fine, construction good, sound didn't compel me to keep them though. Maybe should have switched out the pickups. Tried a Jazzmaster, missed the sustain of the strat. trem wouldn't stay in tune, sound didn't thrill me.
A Hallmark is the only none strat I would consider at this time.

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Re: Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby Greg_L » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:04 pm

I play punk, surf, and psychobilly style stuff. And I use big huge loud Marshall rigs. So maybe my style might not be in line with yours. The Hallmark 60C suits me perfectly. It's a beautiful guitar that plays like butter. And it's unique. Every cheeseball on the planet plays a Strat. No one plays Mosrites/Hallmarks. If being the coolest guy at a gig is important, get the Hallmark. :D

If you're a fan of "the Strat sound", the Hallmark 60 Custom might not be right for you. I've never considered a Strat as having great sustain, but I can't say my 60C has any less sustain. They're polar opposites though. Hallmark/Mosrites are generally fat and plonky sounding. Strats are bright, thin, and tinny. Forget youtube videos. Listen to old Ventures records. That's the Mosrite sound and the Hallmarks do a nice job at recreating it.....with the right amp of course. If you're using sims, pedals, modelers, and the like, you can make any guitar sound like anything.

But honestly, this is a Mosrite forum, and we all have great respect for Mr Bob Shade, the boss at Hallmark, so naturally many of us will probably favor the 60C. I'll tell you this, he is as cool as they come IMO. A true pleasure to do business with.

Strats are great at what they do and the sound they make. The "Mosrite sound" is not that sound.

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Re: Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby MarkyKobane » Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:22 am

I'll admit I am surprised at the quality of some of the new Squiers ( I have a jag myself), but unless both guitars were recorded at the same exact time with the same exact equipment and setting I think this is a very unfair representation. Take it from a guy who had 30 guitars (insert brand name here) to now 8 Hallmarks and even branded with a the "H" Tattoo. And....Ascetically it's like comparing a Chevelle to a 27 Ford. Both Classic cars, but one you see all the time, and one will turn heads!!! Every show I play some one has to come up to the stage to look at the headstocks with a baffled look on their face. I have even had people see me after the show and ask to take a picture with it! The other day I was thinking of how many friends and awesome people I have met because we share the same obsession Mosrite guitars. I am sure there is a Squier forum somewhere, but I don't think it would have the same nostalgic feel as we have here. Some people people just don't "get it" I guess.

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Re: Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby Greg_L » Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:32 am

That's true. I field more questions and get more attention for my Hallmark 60C than any of my Gibsons. People are interested in them. It's a great guitar, but I also think of it as functional art. The guitar is just beautiful. People line up to take pictures of it. I'm not kidding. But most importantly, it's a great playing and sounding guitar. That it looks cool as heck is a side bonus.

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Re: Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby SanchoPansen » Fri Dec 26, 2014 5:53 am

Hey Glenn and welcome to the forum!
I'll add my 2 cents as well. Played tons of guitars myself and finally got hooked on Mosrites/Hallmarks.
Like all the other guys said, these guitars are the best bang for the buck. Last time I handed my 60C to my tech for inspection he almost started to cry and said: "What did you pay for it? Oh boy, you CAN BUILD good guitars in that price range. You won't believe what people bring to my workbench at that price range. Squiers, Epiphones, Gretsches, etc. And they are all a PITA to work on and nothing compared to the solid craftsmanship you got with that Hallmark."
Also, Bob Shade is a very nice person to deal with. You will not regret it.

Musically we both like the same genre, I suppose - Surf and Instro. Let me tell you that a Strat is a very good allround guitar and you can cover a wide area of different tones with it. You just won't get that meaty sound of a Mosrite/Hallmark out of it, due to...well...many things.
You said you already own a nice Strat. Why not give the Hallmark a shot then? You won't burn lots of cash if you don't like it in the end (I'm sure you will like it though) and you get something totally different for the guitar herd. And it's true what everybody said about 'pulling attraction' with a Hallmark. Had countless people come up to the stage and have a closer look and you are guaranteed to have something to chat about with other guitar players present.

And if you never had a Mosrite style trem, you will totally fall in love with it, as soon as you get it. Nothing compares to the smoothness of a Mosrite trem.

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Re: Hallmark custom 60 VS Squier stratocaster Vibe'50

Postby glennmagi » Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:01 pm

Thanks SanchoPansen and everyone else for your replies. Hope your are enjoying the Holidays. I am going to get a Hallmark, try it out. I have actually never heard anything but positive things about Hallmark. I have pretty much given up on music stores and looking at guitars. I was at one store and the whole wall was nothing but $300.00 and below solid bodies. It is amazing how good looking they can make those guitars. However, I don't think I would have actually stayed with the guitar if I actually started with those guitars as they sound awful and feel the same.

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